Unlock your Wellness Potential


Are you frustrated about feeling irritable and fatigued? Are you experiencing bloating, gas, heartburn, achy joints, achy muscles, headaches? Have you been told that everything in your bloodwork and tests is normal despite feeling terrible? Well, I AM HERE TO HELP!

I practice Functional Medicine and have been a patient of Functional Medicine myself. Functional Medicine is the modern clinical approach to treating complex and chronic illness. I will take the time to investigate all aspects of your health and uncover the underlying cause or causes of your continued ill health. My treatment plan includes looking at past illnesses, life stressors, sleep, diet, and physical activity, along with genetic and environmental influences. I will dive deep with cutting-edge lab testing, and high-quality nutraceuticals, collaborate with your primary care physician if needed, and formulate a unique plan for your path to wellness.

I will spend ample time to provide the best care and education based on your individual needs. Unlike traditional medical practices, where you are lucky to get 30 minutes with a doctor, I will take the time to listen, evaluate, and research the latest medical literature. I will work to get to the root cause of your issue, or issues, and not just give you a Band-Aid. I will take the time and use every resource available to me to finally find a solution to your symptoms. I will work with you to create a plan to help you reach optimal health and prevent future illness.

About Me

I’m Jody :) A mother of three awesome boys and have two grand babies! I am a mother/baby nurse for over 29 years, and couldn’t be more proud of the career I have chosen. I have always had this need to help others.

After finishing nursing school, I began having issues with my health. I was severely fatigued and depressed. I truly had no reason to be either of these, and so to the Dr. I went. Long story very short, after seven years, and several anti-depressants later, I was still no better. I ended up seeing an integrative medicine doctor who diagnosed me with Hashimotos thyroiditis. I was started on a medication that most Drs. don’t even consider, and within 3 days, my life changed. I was both thrilled, and disappointed at the same time, as I had asked my primary care physician to check my thyroid because I considered it to possibly be my problem, seven years prior. This is where I began the search for WHY my immune system saw my thyroid as the enemy. Every doctor I asked could never give me an answer. I was on my own. On my own to find a doctor that would help me to find the answer that I needed. Little did I know, but this search would take 18 years.

So here I am, trying to help others to uncover the reasons that so many are experiencing pain, fatigue, bloating, panic attacks, weight gain, hormone imbalance and diarrhea/constipation to name a few. So many people feel terrible, and are not getting the answers they deserve. No one is helping them to feel better, or helping them find the root causes of their feeling downright awful. Instead they are given pharmaceutical and/or over the counter medications to treat their symptoms, leaving the core cause to remain intact.

My Approach

Are you experiencing continued pain, fatigue, and unwellness despite seeing your primary doctor on multiple occasions? If so, you may benefit from a comprehensive medical assessment that goes beyond the conventional approach and addresses the root causes of your symptoms.

My Mission

Core Cause Wellness is a Nurse Consulting program aimed to provide exceptional consulting services that will help clients uncover the root cause of their health challenges. My goal is to deliver customized care plans that meet the unique needs of each client.

Functional Medicine Tests

Comprehensive Functional Lab Panel

Dutch Comprehensive Hormone Panel

GI MAP Testing

Mold and Mycotoxins Profile

Complete Thyroid Panel

SIBO Breath Test

Lyme Disease and Coinfections


Comprehensive Medical Assessment

Review of current symptoms, health history, diet, and lifestyle to improve overall health

90-minute detailed follow-up visits to review lab result findings, interpretation, and recommendations

Discounted functional lab testing to uncover hidden health issues

Integrative and holistic approach and support to regain physical, mental, and emotional wellness

Discounted Medical-Grade Nutraceuticals

Meal Planning Resources


Autoimmune Disorders

Inflammatory Disease

Hormone Imbalances

Weight Loss

Gut Health


Free Consultation

Our initial meeting will be a free 30 minute phone call where we will get to know each other and discuss current and past health issues. I will listen to your major health concerns and see if I’ll be a good fit to help you feel good again!

Revitalize Package

In-Depth Package

These are deep dives into your health history and will help uncover any roadblocks to healing that have held you back. This is an all-inclusive functional medicine package. It includes Diagnostic Testing and follow up meetings to thoroughly discuss these results plus much more.

Get started with Core Cause Wellness, today.

Let’s work together